DSC_0257.jpg Shabti of the High Priest of Thoth, Djehutyirdis, born of NepthysitiThumbnailsCanopic Jars with Heads of Qebehsenuef, Hapy, and Duamutef Shabti of the High Priest of Thoth, Djehutyirdis, born of NepthysitiThumbnailsCanopic Jars with Heads of Qebehsenuef, Hapy, and Duamutef Shabti of the High Priest of Thoth, Djehutyirdis, born of NepthysitiThumbnailsCanopic Jars with Heads of Qebehsenuef, Hapy, and Duamutef Shabti of the High Priest of Thoth, Djehutyirdis, born of NepthysitiThumbnailsCanopic Jars with Heads of Qebehsenuef, Hapy, and Duamutef Shabti of the High Priest of Thoth, Djehutyirdis, born of NepthysitiThumbnailsCanopic Jars with Heads of Qebehsenuef, Hapy, and Duamutef Shabti of the High Priest of Thoth, Djehutyirdis, born of NepthysitiThumbnailsCanopic Jars with Heads of Qebehsenuef, Hapy, and Duamutef Shabti of the High Priest of Thoth, Djehutyirdis, born of NepthysitiThumbnailsCanopic Jars with Heads of Qebehsenuef, Hapy, and Duamutef
Back: Shabti of the High Priest of Thoth, Djehutyirdis, born of Nepthysiti

Presumably from Hermopolis.

Late Period, Dynasty 30, reign of Nectanebo 1, c. 380–362 BCE.

Acc. No.: 12.183.10

Front: Shabti of Psamtikmeryptah, overseer of the royal fleet

Provenance unknown.

Late Period, Dynasty 26, reign of Ahmose II, c. 570–526 BCE.

Acc. No.: 17.194.2409